

資本市場(chǎng)學(xué)院是由中國證監會(huì )和深圳市政府聯(lián)合舉辦的資本市場(chǎng)專(zhuān)業(yè)性教育培訓機構。學(xué)院于2012年12月3日正式設立,出資方為深圳證券交易所、上海證券交易所、中國證券登記結算公司、上海期貨交易所、中國金融期貨交易所、鄭州商品交易所和大連商品交易所。

The China Capital Market Institute (CCMI), co-established by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and Shenzhen Municipal Government on December 3, 2012, offers professional education and training for capital market professionals. CCMI's founding funders are Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation, Shanghai Futures Exchange, China Financial Futures Exchange, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange and Dalian Commodity Exchange.

學(xué)院定位于中國資本市場(chǎng)基礎性建設工程,旨在打造資本市場(chǎng)培訓教育主平臺,為推動(dòng)資本市場(chǎng)改革開(kāi)放和穩定發(fā)展持續提供強有力的人才智力支持。學(xué)院緊緊圍繞證監會(huì )黨委中心工作,秉承“養正氣,育英才,固國本”的院訓,積極探索市場(chǎng)化、專(zhuān)業(yè)化、國際化發(fā)展模式,努力建成立足深圳、服務(wù)全國、輻射境外的資本市場(chǎng)人才培養基地和應用型研究中心。

CCMI is positioned as a foundation-building project for China's capital market. It aims to become the prime platform of professional education and training services to enhance intellectual and talent support for the capital markets’ reform, opening-up and sustained growth. CCMI strives to develop itself into a center of professionals and applied research for the capital market, serving not just our local communities and the national economy, but further to involve in overseas markets. CCMI advocates its motto of Upholding Righteousness, Nurturing Elites, and Reinforcing State Foundation while adopting market-based, professional and international approaches.


CCMI is located in Shenzhen with its campus in the University Town of Xili. With a total construction area of 110,000 square meters, the institute can host 1,800 people in simultaneous study sessions and accommodate 600 people. The institute is well-equipped and nestles in a beautiful environment.